Classic Kanye

I really like this video, think it is very intelligently and interestingly done, with the camera-as-eye view. Reminds me of a hip-hop version of Peep Show. Great song too. I don't know why Lauryn Hill refused to be sampled by Kanye (the chorus is ripped off Mystery of Inquity). Fuck her, it's better with Selena on it. Some really good lyrics: "the prettiest people/do the ugliest of things", "I promise/I'm so self concious/that's why you always see me/with at least one of my watches", "single black female/addicted to retail", "We buy our way out of jail/but we can't buy freedom/we buy a lot of clothes/but we don't really need 'em", "they made us hate ourselves/but love they wealth".

Nice cover design for the EP too. Pink et Yellow = never fail.

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